Sunday, June 29, 2008

Viva, Viva - it's SHOWTIME!

As many of you know, I have recently returned from my Mexico vacation. I spent a fun filled week in the areas surrounding Cancun, Mexico-with two of the coolest people I know :)
If I were to describe and list everything that we did, it would most likely read like a travel brochure. Yes! it was that fun!
Parasailing, kayaking, snorkeling, swimming in the ocean and in our "special pool", digging for seashells, diet pepsi with lime, playing cards, yummy oatmeal, tennis on a rooftop court, visiting the ancient Mayan ruins, moon gazing in our happy place, watching and laughing at the nighttime entertainment and sweating profusely are just a few of the many highlights from the vacation. (I decided to leave out our sunbathing adventures. In my mind, somethings are better left unsaid! )
It was a week of laughing, laughing and more laughing. I am so blessed to have had this experience, but more importantly to have been able to share it with the individuals that I did.
I love you both dearly and will cherish these memories and our friendship forever!

While I was gone, the Lowe children were well taken of. I think they had a good time playing with friends and hanging out with their Dad. Mark always plans a project when I go out of town, and this trip was no acception. He started tearing out the basement bathroom, so we can redo the shower and the floor. Sounds fun, huh !

It's hard to believe that the month of June is almost over. It has been a month of ups and downs, happiness and sadness, but also a month of personal reflection.
The beginning of June was spent helping Mom and Dad with their move to Florida. This was a task that at the time I wasn't as grateful for as I am now. It was time consuming, very tiresome and most days - I couldn't wait for it to be over. But on the other hand, I almost didn't want it to end because then I knew what the end result was going to bring.
As sad as I am to have my family spread out all over the United States, I am excited for the adventures that will come because of it. No matter where we all are, we are still family and I love you all!

The summer is still filled with several activities for the Lowe family. Mason will be going to Scout Camp, I will be cooking food for the Young Women at their camp and if we can squeeze it in, we might actually get a family camping trip in there somewhere.

Our family hopes that all of you that read this are doing well and remembering how much we love and appreciate you. Life is good!


Michelle said...

Lii...I LOVE THIS POST!! You captured the adventure perfectly :)!! I'm glad I can come back and visit your blog to relive the whole thing again and again! So many millions of moments to remember...LOVE YOU!

Jodi said...

I love your blog! I loved seeing beaches and happy places but what about herkies at the ruins? Did you forget about those memories...or did you not pay attention?!! :)