And last but not least, we helped Lindsey celebrate her birthday by having lunch at Rumbi's. The family parties are getting smaller, but certainly not losing their importance. Happy Birthday Lindsey!
The trip started early for Evan, Avery and I. We actually left the Thursday before Spring Break actually started. It was the longest day of travel I have ever had! We left our house at 8:15 in the morning, and didn’t get to Florida until 11:30 pm, 2 hours later than we had anticipated. We had a layover in Denver for a few hours that was planned, but when we stopped in St. Louis to pick up passengers and they told us to get off the plane, well, that kind of threw us for a loop. The airport was so crowded that we didn’t have anywhere to sit. Avery was so tired that she put her backpack on the ground and laid down. It was a very long day, but we were so happy to be visiting Grandpa and Grandma!
Because Mason had a State Band Festival on Friday, Mark and Mason joined us on Saturday…they luckily didn’t have a bad traveling experience.
The area where my parents live is beautiful. We spent as much time outside as we could. The kids had a great time going to the park.....
Well, that about sums it up...I have been trying to get the rest of the pictures in a slideshow and post it, but it's not working too well. I will do my best to get it on here soon. Thanks for your patience...(Lindsey) Love to you all.
On Sunday, January 25th, Evan received the highest award that a Cub Scout can earn. He was honored in a special ceremony that night along with two of his friends, Porter McNeely and Colby Neville. We set up a display table with some of Evan's favorite things that describe him best and had a great time celebrating his BIG accomplishment. The night wouldn't have been complete without some face painting and a brag session!
Each one of the rays of light on the arrow represents aspects of the Cub Scouting program. As a story was read, Mark took a colored feather and painted each color that correlated with the Arrow's values on Evan's face.
By the time Mark was done, Evan looked like a real Indian Chief!
*Wisdom - Blue
*Courage - Black
*Self Control - Orange
*Justice - Green
*Faith - White
*Hope - Yellow
*Love - Red
Evan is a fine young man and he tries very hard to live each of these values...he's been a very good example to those that are in the Cub Scouting program with him!